

Dr. Anthony Stauffer Musculoskeletal Radiologist
Medical School: 
Univ of Alberta, Fac of Med, Edmonton, Alb, Canada
Diagnostic radiology at the Toronto General Hospital
University of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston
University of California, San Diego Medical Center

Anthony Stauffer, M.D. is a musculoskeletal imaging specialist with West Coast Radiology Centers. He has more than 30 years of experience interpreting imaging studies as a board-certified radiologist.

Dr. Stauffer's advanced training includes fellowship training at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center. He completed residencies in diagnostic radiology at the Toronto General Hospital and at the University of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham.

Dr. Stauffer is well regarded within the Orange County community as an expert in reading MRI studies. He has lectured both nationally and locally on the applications of MRI. His current interests include participation in teaching musculoskeletal MRI to radiologists as part of the RADNET fellowship program.
